Monday, March 12, 2012

Social Media Filters

Filtering networked media is becoming more common. Social media is often critizied for being noisy, so filters have been developed to avoid the clutter of information to make networked media more personal. Like “The Daily Me” stated, the power of a free society gives people the power to filter out unwanted material.
Facebook actually builds their network in a way that increases noise (news feed). To solve this problem, go here, then create a list, and add names to the list.
Twitter lists are a wonderful way to segment your Twitter network. Create your lists, Then the next level is to start a Hootsuite or Tweetdeck account and search for keywords within those lists.
Google caught on that users want to filter, so they built it into their site. Simply utilize the circles function in a similar fashion as you would Twitter lists or Facebook lists. 


  1. Thanks for posting this Belinda! Ashlee, Tianyang and myself are actually presenting this very topic as our final project. We've also discussed how filters were used prior to networked media. For example, the newspaper uses a sort of filter in that a reader is only subjected to material that the writer or editor has chosen to report on and print.

    In addition, a person's filter capabilities are limited by their own personal knowledge. My mother does not have have the ability to use the vast amount of filters available on Facebook because she does not know how to use them. While Americans must use filters in order to sift through a large amount of data and prevent information overload, people in other countries may only have access to information that has already been filtered by their country's government.

    1. I think although Americans might need to use filters to prevent information overload, they could be able to tell and differentiate the good and bad resources. But sometimes, in counties like China, government blocked too many information, and information that people could see is basically biased. and thanks for this, people are becoming lack the ability to self filter.

  2. The idea of filtering creates a whole new dilemma for advertisers. Engagement is the buzzword for online marketing, but engaging with consumers becomes more and more difficult for this very reason. Consumers become more savvy and filter out information they are not interested in (which more than likely includes a lot of marketing messages) within their social networks.

    Facebook and Twitter have been in the news recently for unveiling a new advertising structure that includes redesigned brand pages as well as content-generated Facebook ads instead of just the text-based ads.

    Here is a good article on Facebook's new advertising structure: (
