Culture of Accessibility in Higher Education in the Era of Networked Communication
world of higher education with it’s traditional image of the nearly
impenetrable ivory tower and brick and mortar campus that was for many decades
out of reach for those who were not high socioeconomic status, white males, has
seen a dramatic transformation in relation to access within the past twenty
years due to the evolution of online higher education. This media essay will
address how the shift from mass communication to networked communication has
changed the culture of accessibility in higher education, both in terms of
awareness of higher education opportunities as well as the actual attainment of
higher education.
takes a binary approach through looking at two different aspects of access in
relation to higher education and what about the culture of access has been
changed since networked communication arose. First, how do potential students
gain literal access to college in terms of information gathering, the application
process, and also arranging details about classes and campus life? Second, how
do students access their actual education in terms of classes, research, and
working with faculty and peers? In regards to both awareness and attainment
within higher education, the shift from an era of mass communication dominance
to a world of networked communication control has drastically reshaped the
landscape of higher education.
to higher education before the shift to networked communication was heavily
dependent upon knowledge passed along via pamphlets and marketing materials,
books, TV and radio commercials, campus representatives and guidance
counselors, as well as family and personal knowledge. Students with more of
these resources were able to gain more information about college and could
weigh their various options. It can also be argued that these print and mass
media resources are rather finite, meaning that depending upon how many books
or pamphlets are printed about various universities, or when a particular
television commercial aired, they could only have the possibility of reaching a
limited number of students.
the exception of during televised athletic events and possibly even local radio
spots, many higher education institutions aside from proprietary institutions
have not traditionally relied on television and radio as sources of
advertising. Therefore, in the era of mass communication, distributing
information about higher education institutions, opportunities, and
scholarships was still primarily through print media. For underrepresented
students, awareness about various higher education options and majors may be
something that they had little or no contact with depending upon the resources
available in their school. Additionally, books and other print resources
quickly become outdated in terms of tuition costs and other details that are
constantly updated by institutions. Radio and TV ads generally cannot fit many
details into a restricted amount of time and rely more on visual aids, which
typically are tailored towards a specific type of potential student. In fact,
just about every television commercial for colleges today refer viewers to seek
more information about them by visiting a webpage, such as the conclusion of
this University of Phoenix television advertisement:
( However, institutions that are already
well established rely more on reputation rather than providing information in
their TV advertisements, such as The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s:
( This commercial assumes that potential
students will know how to access more information about the institution on
their own, a trend common in a search engine-oriented, networked society. What
both of these television ads both do is play into the internet’s ability to
provide further information, thereby allowing the commercials to act as
emotion-grabbing teasers, rather than sources of information about their
respective institutions.
related to accessing higher education, such as filling out applications, have
also been transferred to primarily online forms. Furthermore, scholarship
applications and the process of seeking financial aid are other means of
accessing postsecondary education that have been relegated to almost solely
online forms. Applying for college has never been simpler, as seen by the clear
and concise application instructions on UNL’s admissions webpage:
( If a student has a question while
filling out his or her application, he or she has countless answers with the
ease of weblinks and search engines. This is where the notion of access takes
on another meaning – these precious resources are only available to those who
have access to a computer and the internet. Even for potential students who may
not have a computer and online access at home, if they have to use such
resources within their high school or the public library, their time on the internet
may be limited. Furthermore, even if students, particularly nontraditional
students, have access to a computer and the internet there is no guarantee that
the student has a level of computer literacy that would enable him or her to
successfully seek information and complete college applications. On the other
hand, with the cost of home computers and internet becoming more affordable,
those who are able to afford these technological tools for home use, and know
how to use them properly, have at their hands a greater means for accessing
education than could have ever been realized during the era of mass
themselves have been empowered through networked communication, particularly
social networking frameworks, to reach out to potential students and engage
them in conversations about their educational plans in ways that were
previously impossible. Most institutions, such as The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
have both Facebook and Twitter pages!/unlnews that they maintain daily to keep in
touch with and engage potential, current, and distance students. The prevalence
of social media in higher education has become so common that an institution
that elects not to utilize such resources may be viewed by students as less
accessible. Blogs are another networked technology that higher education institutions have tapped into in order to make daily life at their institution appear more accessible to potential students:
The message from student bloggers isn't always pretty, yet college officials say the blogs are worth the risk. High school students can get unvarnished views of any colleges from Facebook, MySpace, or unsanctioned student blogs. They may be more inclined to trust a school they think is willing to show them real campus life, officials say. Plus, the technology gives colleges another tool to help applicants make the best decision, especially if they cannot afford to fly in for an overnight stay (Bombardier, 2007).
The student blogs at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed such a strong following, that they are featured prominently on the admissions website and are considered a valuable source of information for potential students desiring access to information on what life as a student at MIT is like: As networked communication continues to go mobile, institutions, such as The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, are even developing applications “apps” for further integrating students with their educational experience by leveraging the latest in networked technology:
The message from student bloggers isn't always pretty, yet college officials say the blogs are worth the risk. High school students can get unvarnished views of any colleges from Facebook, MySpace, or unsanctioned student blogs. They may be more inclined to trust a school they think is willing to show them real campus life, officials say. Plus, the technology gives colleges another tool to help applicants make the best decision, especially if they cannot afford to fly in for an overnight stay (Bombardier, 2007).
The student blogs at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed such a strong following, that they are featured prominently on the admissions website and are considered a valuable source of information for potential students desiring access to information on what life as a student at MIT is like: As networked communication continues to go mobile, institutions, such as The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, are even developing applications “apps” for further integrating students with their educational experience by leveraging the latest in networked technology:
networked communication has led to an age of information sharing, so too has
the ability to access information about higher education mushroomed. All
institutions from the Ivy League schools to community colleges and proprietary
institutions have created websites designed not only to inform potential
students but also to serve as a gateway for accessing education at that
particular school. Networked communication has created a new culture of access
in the realm of higher education by moving processes and knowledge online. Now,
potential students can instantly seek out available degree programs, download a
list of required courses, see which professors are teaching each particular
course, view a bio of each professor online, and then read student opinions on
that particular professor or course. This video from Babson college gives
potential students the opportunity to hear from current students about their
favorite classes and professors, without having to go on campus and meet the
students, something that would not be possible before online communication:
( Unlike during the days of mass
communication when potential students relied on television commercials of
happy, productive students sauntering casually across well-manicured lawns
while on their way to class, or marketing brochures with idealized, limited
descriptions of actual courses students can take, now students can just get
onto the internet and plan their higher education experience right down to the
daily menu of their future residence hall dining room:
Networked communication has eliminated a lot of the “unknown” that was
previously associated with higher education ventures and has enabled students
to become pickier consumers of their own college experience.
attainment of higher education is another form of access that has been
dramatically altered by the shift from mass communication to networked
communication. The culture of access within postsecondary education has changed
from one centered around brick and mortar campuses and thousands of published journals
and books sitting in a library, to one focused on instant dissemination and
sharing of knowledge and resources, and connecting socially through online
networks. UNL, a traditional Land-Grant Institution, has within the past few years
established a global internet presence through offering a variety of degrees
online, including even doctoral degrees. On their website (
- Q1)
Distance education is becoming an important trend in higher education. A growth rate of 33% in distance education is expected during the next several years, according to figures from the International Data Cooperation. The NU Board of Regents has called for distance education to be a part of the core activities of the University.
only has access to information about higher education been widened in the networked
society, but so too has actual physical access to a higher education degree. Jones International University, the first accredited online university was founded in
1993, less than twenty years ago. Since then, online education has exploded and
hundreds of credited and unaccredited postsecondary institutions now exist
online, offering anything from certificates and associates degrees right up to
doctorate degrees. Some institutions were founded as online institutions, while
others are well-established physical institutions that have made the shift to
offering various parts of their curriculum online. The culture of how students access higher education is changing so rapidly, that institutions who are not currently providing online courses or degrees will inevitably have to submit to the technological shift of networked communication, as suggested in the article, “GLOBAL: The challenges of global online education:”
As the digital generation progresses, there will be a challenge and a need for colleges and universities to integrate online learning into the mainstream of academic programmes as students will expect technology to be woven into what they experience in school” (Shirvani, Scorza, Alkhathlan, & Garcia, 2011).
Will the culture of how we access higher education be so dramatically altered that every class in the future will either be conducted partially or entirely online? Higher education leaders must learn more about how these dramatic changes in the ways that student access postsecondary classes will impact learning.
As the digital generation progresses, there will be a challenge and a need for colleges and universities to integrate online learning into the mainstream of academic programmes as students will expect technology to be woven into what they experience in school” (Shirvani, Scorza, Alkhathlan, & Garcia, 2011).
Will the culture of how we access higher education be so dramatically altered that every class in the future will either be conducted partially or entirely online? Higher education leaders must learn more about how these dramatic changes in the ways that student access postsecondary classes will impact learning.
that only twenty years ago an individual had to be on a physical campus in a
physical classroom with a tangible book in order to earn a postsecondary
degree, it can be argued that the culture of how we access higher education has
been altered so severely by networked communication that in the very near
future there may be more students walking around with bachelor’s degrees who
have never set foot on a college campus than those who attended a physical
institution for their bachelor’s degree. The culture of global access to higher
education has also been altered in ways that were inconceivable before networked
communication arrived through opening up the opportunity for education to
anyone with a computer and internet access. Students and faculty are now able
to access and share research around the world through utilizing online journals
and other academic websites. Libraries are now almost entirely digital, and
even for journals and book articles that are only available in hard copy form,
these pages can be scanned into a computer and e-mailed to students around the
world. Even scholarly journals such as JOLT, Journal of Online Learning and
Teaching:, which has been around since 2005, are
devoted strictly to issues in regards to online education, an area of research
that did not exist before the era of networked communication.
millions across the globe can come together to participate in the same virtual
classrooms and work towards earning the same college degrees. Steve Kaufman,
who wrote the article, “How the Internet is Changing Education,” believes
online capabilities are far less limiting than the traditional model: “Interactive functionality and methods of searching
for, storing and then reviewing bits of knowledge can make this environment a
more effective learning space than the University lecture hall.” Even in the U.S. alone, access to higher
education has been widened in ways never thought possible before through
allowing rural citizens who could not leave their farms to take classes, and
single-mothers who could not afford child care to work towards their degrees
from home. According to Campus Compact’s website, networked communication has affected accessibility in a positive manner by widening participation of students in a manner that was not possible before:
However, around the turn of the century, higher education encountered developments in distance learning technology that could change its ways forever. The development of the Internet forced institutions to consider new ways of teaching, learning and doing research. As so-called ‘virtual universities’ emerged, many have had more success in attracting diverse populations than traditional colleges and universities (Campus Compact, 2012).
Networked communication has led to an influx of higher education opportunities, which in turn as allowed students who may have normally not had the resources to earn a college degree, to find such a goal more realistically attainable. However, because the internet makes establishing structures of higher education cheaper, there is the danger of falling into the trap of quantity over quality, especially within the arena of for-profit education.
The ability to attend college online has created a new culture in regards to accessing higher education, with some companies going so far as to make the normally intimidating process of earning a degree look fun and relaxing, even suggesting that one can attend college in one’s pajamas:
( While making postsecondary education
look less formidable and more accessible, especially for underrepresented
student populations can be seen as a positive function of the new casual
culture of access in higher education, the diminishment of the seriousness and
significance of pursuing study at a higher level may also be taking place. AmericanInterContinental University, a for-profit primarily online institution, is
attempting to take a jab at the traditional structure of higher education
through marketing their online approach as more serious than typical colleges
with large campuses, mascots, and Greek life:
( The internet has allowed other
institutions to remain competitive with the traditional model of higher
education simply because they have changed the culture of access to a college
degree through widening opportunities, making these opportunities readily
available, and also creating environments where degrees are easier to attain.
the shift from mass communication to networked communication has widened access
to higher education for many across the globe, access to computers, an internet
connection, and also a certain level of computer literacy needed to attend
classes online is still a significant problem. A mixed-methods study by Goode
(2010) explored the technological gap that occurs between different student
groups when they get to college:
Without any formal
technology prerequisites, students come to college with differing technological
skills, stratified by gender, socioeconomic status, and racial backgrounds.
Beyond skills, students’ varied computing histories can result in a range of
technology identities that impact their relationship with technology in their
academic, social, and career aspirations. (p. 583)
indicated that social reproduction is further perpetuated by higher education’s
assumption of technology knowledge on the part of their students. Furthermore,
earning a degree online may save an individual the expense of moving closer to campus
or commuting, but it does not help one’s ability to afford postsecondary
education. Still one of the most pronounced barriers to access of higher
education is the high cost of a college degree, something about the culture of
accessibility in higher education that has not been as drastically altered by
networked communication. One very unique postsecondary institution that has
sprung out of the decreased cost of online education is University of The People,
the world’s first tuition-free online university, which was founded in 2009: This cutting edge concept for a free, non-profit, global institution accepts low socioeconomic status students from around the world who participate in online, collaborative classrooms where the students learn through peer-based knowledge sharing and discussions under the guidance of volunteer faculty:
University of the People (UoPeople) is the world’s tuition-free, non-profit, online academic institution dedicated to opening access to higher education globally. Based on the principles of e-learning and peer-to-peer learning, coupled with open-source technology and Open Educational Resources, UoPeople is designed to provide access to undergraduate degree programs for qualified individuals, despite financial, geographic or societal constraints. UoPeople offers Associate and Bachelor degree programs in Business Administration and Computer Science (UoPeople, 2012).
This university is a prime example of how networked communication can be harnessed in a cost-effective way to lead to previously unprecedented levels of access to higher education degrees, even in some of the poorest countries in the world. UoPeople founder, Shai Reshef, discusses the particular of the groundbreaking institution in this YouTube video:
online institutions may claim to offer degrees for cheap, but the ease of
creating environments on the internet, whether they be educational or otherwise,
has also led to a boost in the industry of fraudulent institutions and degrees.
This is another noteworthy impact on the culture of access to higher education
that networked communication has changed – the ability to take advantage of
more people through easily developing fake institutions that with the help of
the internet look quite real to unsuspecting potential students. Websites
focused more on profit rather than quality higher education, such as some
search engines, may chose to display institutions that pay them more money to
appear first in a potential student’s search, rather than displaying the
institutions that actually fit the student’s personal needs best. Higher
education professionals need to be watchdogs for steering online access in a
positive direction so that the beneficial results of increased access to higher
education work to serve students around the globe in valuable ways.
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University of Nebraska-Lincoln Apps. (2012). On the go with unl. Retrieved from utm_source=news&utm_content=.
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Nice work Stephanie. As we spoke last week, I am very interested in this kind of research. Thank you.