Since propaganda and public opinion is something that I’m highly
interested in, this week’s readings were ones that I thought were highly
valuable when it comes to our discussion of mass communication and social
A connection which I found interesting is the use of propaganda and
public opinion in the form of polling and questionnaires. Lind argues that
polls show that the population often does not think rationally and that the
majority often believes that because they are in the majority that the truth
lies in this fact. However, history shows us that propaganda has been used to sway
public opinion into believing an outright lie under the pretense that since the
mass public was unified in this belief that it must therefore be fact.

This goes to show that the genius of Goebbels in Nazi Germany, however
insidious his intentions were, was able to turn what could have been a rational
society into a majority of vile anti-Semites. If polled, this population would
have believed that they were in the right for their hatred of Jews, but therein
lies the fault with polling in the sense that the majority is not always right
and that the power of coercion distorts the idea of truth.
I think people in Nazi Germany were also just plain terrified. I'm reading The Garden of the Beasts, a book about pre-WWII Germany when the Nazis were just coming to power. It's eye-opening to realize how fearful people were to express their opinions in any way.